Out latest development is the SWEATOR-HEAD application which is shown as a proto-type. Virtually any head shape would be technically possible. The principle of the HEAD is identical to the FOOT and TORSO models. The perforation (humidity release areas) may cover the pilose part of a head for regular head protection testing or the face field in case of a respiratory focus.
We would be pleased to inform you in detail. Product shapes, technical data and prices on request.

SWEATOR Head - prototype
- Simulation of the thermoregulation of a human head
- Reproducible heat and humidity input (sweating)
- Fixed head model (e. g. Sheffield head) to fit head protection devices of all kind
- Variable perforation options of the outer shell to influence sweat rates
- Infinitely variable heat supply (max. 100 W)
- Water vapor output only, now direct liquids (wet spots)
- Multilevel Control Unit with Touchscreen
- Simple handling, quick setup time
- Climate simulation within ready-made head protection devices
- Comparison of the climate attributes of different footwear
- Development of climate comfort attributes
- Suitable for respiratory tasks